jcarter's Armageddon MUD Fan Site


Southern templars are the arm of Tektolnes within the city-state of Allanak. Southern templars can best be described as warriors that can cast spells. During character creation, a base class of either warrior or ranger is chosen. When the character enters the game, a few tweaks are made to the character before they enter the game.

All southern templars have the spell 'detect invis' and 'detect magick'. Each templar is also assigned an apartment within the Templar quarter. Within the apartments are shrines to Tektolnes. At the shrine to Tektolnes, templars can use a coded command to request spells from one of four or five different categories: detect, combat, movement, alteration (?) and another I can't remember. When starting out, templars can only receive three or so spells. Staff can allow the templar to learn more, but it's rare for that to happen. All spells are at mon and do not require any practice. The 'shout' that goes with each spell automatically happens whenever a spell is cast.


Within the city of Allanak, templars have unlimited mana; spells cost 0 and mana regenerates instantly. Outside of Allanak, templars must rely on their medallions for their power. A templar's mana does not naturally regenerate over time; they must use a command to draw mana from their medallion, which will totally replenish their mana pool. The medallion can be drawn from four times before it must be recharged within Allanak again.


The robes of templars have small scripts attached to them that create magicker gems and merchant licenses at no cost. Templars do not receive stipends and are unpaid, so their source of income comes primarily from bribes, merchant and gem costs, or shakedowns.

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